Europai reikia didinti atlyginimus!

autorius Jovita

Europos profesinių sąjungų konfederacija ETUC vasario 24 d., nuo 14.00 iki 15.00 val., organizuoja demonstraciją/akciją, palaikydama direktyvą dėl tinkamo minimalaus darbo užmokesčio:

Europai reikia didinti atlyginimu!

Kolektyvinės derybos dėl visų ir teisingas minimnalus atlyginimas!

Akcija vyks Šumano žiedinėje sankryžoje Briuselyje, Belgija.

Daugiau apie tai:

Brussels, 17 February 2022

  • To ETUC member organisations
  • To the Members of the Executive Committee
  • To the Working Group on the Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages in the EU
  • To the Collective Bargaining and Wage Coordination Committee
  • To National Officers

Dear colleagues,

Thank you very much for the significant support received already for the Action on the 24th of February.

We thank our affiliates for arranging their delegations and we particularly emphasis the cross-European aspect, having delegations from different countries gives a strong signal that throughout Europe, workers need a pay rise! Please write to Juliane Bir and Lorenzo Repetti if you are / a delegation from your union is planning to attend as we need to ensure sufficient numbers to fill the space. ( ;

As you know, the title of the action is:

EN) Europe needs a pay rise! 
Collective bargaining for all and fair minimum wages!

FR) L’Europe a besoin d’augmentations salariales!
Des négociations collectives pour toutes et tous et des salaires minimums équitables!

NL) Hogere lonen in Europa, nu!
Collectieve onderhandelingen voor iedereen en eerlijke minimumlonen!

Thursday 24 February, 14h00 to 15h00
Rond-point Schuman, Brussels

Our main message is to demand pay increases to make sure that workers can make ends meet and have at least a decent standard of living. During the action, we will ask for stronger collective bargaining and higher minimum wages.

With the support from the Belgian trade unions and the European Trade Union Federations, we will demonstrate two steps away from the Council of the European Union to demand the support of the European governments for a strong Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages to contribute to these objectives.

Please find attached the flyer for the action. The flyer is for internal mobilisation and not for social media actions / public communication.

We look forward to a successful action on the 24th of February to push for the necessary pay rises for workers in Europe.

Reminder: We will have an action-oriented online meeting to discuss what actions you are taking nationally and which broader actions we could consider taking during the year on 23rd of March at 10.00 – register here.

Best regards,

Esther Lynch,
Deputy General Secretary

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